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In most cases, these subtle differences impact the overall success of your event.

Preparing for your event may include consultations. These consultations will better allow your entertainer to understand the vision you have for the outcome of your event. During these meetings your entertainer should ask many questions about you and your guests. The more your entertainer knows about you and your guests, the better the chances he has for creating a successful party as you have pictured it.

Optimizing your music may sound like a simple task. You probably figure most DJs use the same music at each event. However, each client has specific desires for the atmosphere they want to establish with music. Your DJ may need to reorganize his library, add additional selections, or even find music you have requested which is not in his library. The success of your party involves providing the right mix of music that you and your guests will enjoy.

You most likely will never see the work involved in setting up the DJ’s sound system. Maintenance of a professional sound system is crucial. It is the quality of professional equipment which will deliver sound quality you can enjoy at your event. A professional DJ will most likely show up 1-3 hours prior to the start of your event. (The time will depend upon the actual event and the size of the set-up required.) Setting up, testing the equipment, and performing sound checks make for the start of a great party. When you walk into your venue, you will notice the decor is all in place and your DJ entertainer is setup, and ready to play for your event.

Your DJ provides much more than just the music at your event. Your personalized consultations give him a unique insight into your vision of what should transpire. He has arranged for the formalities to run as you requested. He will perform as Master of Ceremonies, making announcements, working with your other vendors, and keeping the sequence of events flowing. While all this appears polished, it is due to the time invested prior to playing the first song. A major portion of the success of your event rests in the hands of your chosen DJ entertainer.

To most professional DJs, your event is similar to the Oscars. You are the stars of the evening and they will help you plan, coordinate, organize, entertain, and program music. Because of your DJ’s experience at similar, previous events, meetings, music research, and other training, your event will most likely occur as you have already imagined it to be.


When researching your entertainment choice, evaluate the importance of your DJ. Your investment in your entertainment will contribute more to the overall success of your event than you realize (until afterwards). A professional DJ will care about the success of your event and will invest a great deal of time into creating the atmosphere you have imagined. While you may think your DJ "just plays music", it is his experience, talent, and expertise that will deliver the reception of which you have always dreamed.

Make your event a fantastic success, find the "right" DJ for your once-in-a-lifetime celebration, instead of the one you may have found at the best price!

W E D D I N G S   •   C O R P O R A T E   E V E N T S    •   S W E E T   S I X T E E N S   •   P R I V A T E   F U N C T I O N S

T E L E P H O N E:  8 7 7 . 4 . F L I P S I D E   •   7 3 2 . 2 4 5 . 5 4 1 3   •   F A R M I N G D A L E,  N E W   J E R S E Y

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